About Mrs .Arnold:

Mrs. Sandra Arnold teaches art 1-4 at Fort Hill High school, She has taught here since 2006. She has 9 years of teaching experience and holds a BFA(Bachelor of Fine Arts[focus in painting and ceramics with certification to teach grades k-12]) and a Masters in Special Education.

Planning Time- Period 2 (8:34-9:19)
School Phone- 3017772570
E-Mail Address-sandra.arnold@acps.k12.md.us

Home page
Course Outline
2011 Art Show
2012 Art Show
Student Feedback
Student Resources
Fort Hill Homepage
Allegany County Homepage





Website Purpose:

This web site was created with parents and students in mind. It Allows parents to find out more information about what there children are doing in art, While students are able to easily access work they or there fellow students have completed and/or links to resources that may further there success in art classes.