First | Fourth | Fifth | Seventh |
Alexa Brandon Brenae Caden Cameron Charles Chloe Douglas Gabby Jared Josh Justine Trinity |
Aryssa Ashley Camerin Carl Cody Corey Daniel Ella Hailey Hannah Haoyu Jacobe Jacob L Jermaine Justin Kayla Kylie C Kyliee Logan Megan L Rachael |
Aleah Alex Ashton Blaise Brian Chloe David Emma Evan Hannah Mac Hunter R Hunter W Jesse Jordan Liam Lydia Matti Nathan Noah J Sam William L Xavier |
Alaysha Allan Brady Ethan Gavin Gentree James Jayden Jaylen Marcus Rafe Sheldon Tyler |
Exploring Computer Science (ECS) is an entry level course for students at Fort Hill High School, with little or no Computer Science background. Students will become computational thinkers by applying a variety of problem solving techniques as they create solutions to problems situated in a variety of contexts. Ethical and social issues in computing as well as careers in computing are woven throughout the course. This course fulfills the technology education graduation requirement. |